The first China Fuzhou Optoelectroni
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  On December 18, the first China Fuzhou optoelectronic industry forum was held in Fuzhou, the "global capital of optoelectronic components".
  The instructor of the forum is the Fuzhou Municipal People’s Government, the organizer is the Fuzhou Optoelectronic Industry Association, the organizer is the optoelectronics and the "China Optics Valley" International Optoelectronics Expo and Forum Organizing Committee, the co-organizers are China Laser Magazine, Medical Optoelectronics Science and The Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Technology and Education (Fujian Normal University), the Key Laboratory of Photonic Technology of Fujian Province, and the Optical Society of Fujian Province, it will promote the high-quality development of Fuzhou's optoelectronic industry and create a relatively influential optoelectronic industry cluster.
  As the first batch of national high-tech zones in the country, and the national independent innovation demonstration zone approved for construction in 2016, the Fuzhou High-tech Zone has been based on its own advantages in recent years, seizing the “outlet” of the optoelectronic industry and building everything from raw materials, components to supporting equipment Going to the optoelectronic industry chain of the complete machine, the total investment in optoelectronic projects so far exceeds 5 billion yuan. In the first half of this year, the output value of the photoelectric industry in the high-tech zone was 760 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 221.3%.
  The "Optics Valley" of Fujian is accelerating its rise on the banks of the Wulong River.
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